genomeNLP: Case study of deep learning#

Copyright (c) 2023 Tyrone Chen ORCID logo, Navya Tyagi ORCID logo, and Sonika Tyagi ORCID logo.

Code in this repository is provided under a MIT license. Documentation for this specific case study is provided with © all rights reserved (temporary until publication). All other documentation not on this page is provided under a CC-BY-3.0 AU license.


The primary focus of this tutorial is application of NLP in a genomic context by introducing our package genomenlp. In this tutorial, we cover a wide range of topics from introduction to field of GenomeNLP to practical application skills of our conda package, divided into various sections:

  1. Introduction to GenomeNLP

  2. Connection to a remote server

  3. Installing conda and genomenlp package

  4. Setting up a Biological Dataset

  5. Format a dataset as input for genomenlp

  6. Preparing a hyperparameter sweep

  7. Selecting optimal parameters

  8. With the selected hyperparameters, train the full dataset

  9. Performing cross-validation

  10. Comparing performance of different models

  11. Obtain model interpretability scores

For detailed usage of individual functions, please refer to the latest documentation.

Learning objectives#

  • Describe the unique challenges in biological NLP compared to conventional NLP

  • Understand common representations of biological data

  • Understand common biological data preprocessing steps

  • Investigate biological sequence data for use in machine learning

  • Perform a hyperparameter sweep, training and cross-validation

  • Identify what the model is focusing on

  • Compare trained model performances to each other


This is **not** an introductory machine learning workshop. Readers of this tutorial are assumed to be familiar with the use of the command line and of the basics of machine learning.

Potential/preferred prerequisite knowledge#

  • [required] CLI (e.g. bash shell) usage

  • [optional] Connecting and working on a remote server (e.g. ssh)

  • [optional] Basic knowledge of machine learning

  • [optional] Machine learning dashboards (e.g. tensorboard, wandb)

  • [optional] Package/environment managers (e.g. conda, mamba)

Length: Half-day, 4.0 - 4.5 hours Intended audience: machine learning practitioners OR computational biologists


  • BERT - Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, a family of deep learning architectures used for NLP.

  • DL - Deep Learning

  • k-mers - Identical to tokens

  • k-merisation - A process where a biological sequence is segmented into substrings. Commonly performed as a sliding window.

  • ML - Machine Learning

  • NLP - Natural Language Processing

  • OOV - Out-of-vocabulary words

  • Sliding window - ABCDEF: [ABC, BCD, CDE, DEF] instead of [ABC, DEF]

  • Tokenisation - A process where a string is segmented into substrings

  • Tokens - Subunits of a string used as input into conventional NLP algorithms

1. Introduction#

What is NLP and genomics#

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of computer science focused around the understanding of and the processing of human language. Such a task is non-trivial, due to the high variation in meaning of words found embedded in different contexts. Nevertheless, NLP is applied with varying degrees of success in various fields, including speech recognition, machine translation and information extraction. A recent well-known example is ChatGPT.


Meanwhile, genomics involves the study of the genome, which contains the entire genetic content of an organism. As the primary blueprint, it is an important source of information and underpins all biological experiments, directly or indirectly.

Why apply NLP in genomics#

Although NLP has been shown to effectively preprocess and extract “meaning” from human language, until recently, its application in biology was mostly centred around biological literature and electronic health record mining. However, we note the striking similarities between genomic sequence data and human languages that make it well-suited to NLP. (A) DNA can be directly expressed as human language, being composed of text strings such as A, C, T, G, and having its own semantics as well as grammar. (B) Large quantities of biological data are available in the public domain, with a growth rate exponentially exceeding astronomy and social media platforms combined. (C) Recent advances in machine learning which improve the scalability of deep learning (DL) make computational analysis of genomic data feasible.


The same is true for protein sequences, and nucleic acid data such as transcripts. While our pipeline can process any of these, the scope of this tutorial is for genomic data only.


We therefore make a distinction between the field of conventional literature or electronic health record mining and the application of NLP concepts and methods to the genome. We call this field genome NLP. The aim of genome NLP would be to extract relevant information from the large corpora of biological data generated by experiments, such as gene names, point mutations, protein interactions and biological pathways. Applying concepts used in NLP can potentially enhance the analysis and interpretation of genomic data, with implications for research in personalised medicine, drug discovery and disease diagnosis.

Distinction between conventional NLP and genome NLP#

Several key differences need to be accounted for for implementing NLP on the genome. (A) The first challenge is the tokenisation of long biological sequences into smaller subunits. While some natural languages have subunits separated by spaces, enabling easy segmentation, this is not true in biological sequence data, and also to an extent in many languages such as Arabic, Mandarin or Sanskrit characters. (B) A second challenge is the diversity and high degree in nuance of biological experiments. As a result, interpretability and interoperability of biological data is highly restricted in scope, even within a single experiment. (C) The third challenge is the difficulty in comparing models, partly due to the second challenge, and partly due to the lack of accessible data in the biomedical field for privacy reasons, and partly because of the limited enforcement of biological data integrity as well as metadata by journals. In addition, the large volume of biological data in a single experiment makes re-training time consuming.


To address the challenges in genome-NLP, we used a new semi-automated workflow. This workflow integrates feature engineering and machine learning techniques and is designed to be adaptable across different species and biological sequences, including nucleic acids and proteins. The workflow includes the introduction of a (1) new tokeniser for biological sequence data which effectively tokenises contiguous genomic sequences while retaining biological context. This minimises manual preprocessing, reduces vocabulary sizes, and (2) handles unknown biological terms, conceptually identical to the out-of-vocabulary (OOV) problem in natural languages. (3) Passing the preprocessed data to a genomicBERT algorithm allows for direct biological sequence input to a state-of-the-art deep learning algorithm. (4) We also enable model comparison by weights, removing the need for computationally expensive re-training or access to raw data. To promote collaboration and adoption, genomicBERT is available as part of the publicly accessible conda package called genomeNLP. Successful case studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of genomeNLP in genome NLP applications.


2. Connect to a remote server#

To standardise the compute environment for all participants, we will be establishing a network connection with a remote server. Data and a working install of genomenlp is provided. Secure Shell (SSH) is a common method for remote server connection, providing secure access and remote command execution through encrypted connections between the client and server.

To use ssh (Secure Shell) for remote server access, please follow these steps:

  1. Open a Terminal or Command Prompt on your local machine. SSH is typically available on Unix-like systems (e.g. Linux, macOS) and can also be installed on Windows systems using tools like PuTTY or MobaXterm.

  2. Determine the ssh command syntax. Generally the format is: ssh username@hostname or the IP address of the remote server.

  3. Enter your password or passphrase when prompted. Once authenticated, you should be connected to the remote server via SSH.


Details for (2) and (3) will be provided on the day of the workshop.

3. Installing conda, mamba and genomenlp#


This step is already performed for you. Information is provided as a guide for those who are reading this document outside of the tutorial, or if for some reason the installation is not working.

A package/environment manager is a software tool that automates the installation, update, and removal of packages and allows for the creation of isolated environments with specific configurations. This simplifies software setup, reduces compatibility issues, and improves software development workflows. Popular examples include apt and anaconda. We will use conda and mamba in this case study.


The same is true for protein sequences, and nucleic acid data such as transcripts. While our pipeline can process any of these, the scope of this tutorial is for genomic data only.

To install conda using the command line, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your command prompt. Use the curl or wget command to download the installer directly from the command line using its URL.

$ wget ''
  1. Run the installer script using the following command:

$ bash
  1. Follow the on-screen prompts to proceed with the installation. (In the prompt asking for the location for conda installation, please specify the directory as foo/bar)

  2. Reload your shell as shown below OR exit and return to complete the install.

$ source ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bash_profile
  1. To install mamba, which is a faster alternative to Conda for package management, run the following command:

$ conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge


`pip` does not work due to a missing pytorch dependency. `conda` was found to be very slow due to the large dependency tree.

  1. As with Step 4, reload your shell as below OR exit and return to complete the install.

$ source ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bash_profile
  1. To install and activate genomenlp, run the following commands:

$ mamba create -n genomenlp -c tyronechen -c conda-forge genomenlp -y
$ mamba activate genomenlp
# after the above completes
$ sweep -h
# you should see some output

Case studies per molecule type#

Please select the case study relevant to your use case:

DNA case study#

genomeNLP: Case study of DNA

RNA case study#

coming soon

Protein case study#

genomeNLP: Case study of Protein


Cite our manuscript here:

    title={genomicBERT and data-free deep-learning model evaluation},
    author={Chen, Tyrone and Tyagi, Navya and Chauhan, Sarthak and Peleg, Anton Y and Tyagi, Sonika},
    publisher={Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},

Cite our software here:

  author       = {Tyrone Chen and
                  Navya Tyagi and
                  Sarthak Chauhan and
                  Anton Y. Peleg and
                  Sonika Tyagi},
  title        = {{genomicBERT and data-free deep-learning model
  month        = jul,
  year         = 2023,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {latest},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.8135590},
  url          = {}