Perform cross-validation#

This explains the use of for deep learning through the genomicBERT pipeline. For conventional machine learning, the sweep, train and cross validation steps are combined in one operation.

Source data#

Source data is a HuggingFace dataset object as a csv, json or parquet file. Specify --format accordingly. csv only for non-deep learning.



Entry points are available if this is installed using the automated conda method. You can then use the command line argument directly, for example: create_dataset_bio. If not, you will need to use the script directly, which follows the same naming pattern, for example: python

Running the code as below:

Deep learning#

Specify the same data, wandb project, entity and group names as used for sweeping or training. Once the best run is identified by the user, passing the run id into --config_from_run will automatically load config of the best run from wandb.

# use the WANDB_ENTITY_NAME, WANDB_PROJECT_NAME and the best run id corresponding to the sweep
# WANDB_GROUP_NAME should be changed to reflect the new category of runs (eg "cval")
python <TRAIN_DATA> <FORMAT> --test TEST_DATA --valid VALIDATION_DATA --entity_name WANDB_ENTITY_NAME --project_name WANDB_PROJECT_NAME --group_name WANDB_GROUP_NAME --kfolds N --config_from_run WANDB_RUN_ID --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR

Frequency-based approaches#

Cross-validation is carried out within the main pipeline:

python -i [INFILE_PATH ... ] --format "csv" -t TOKENISER_PATH --freq_method [ cvec | tfidf ] --model [ rf | xg ] --kfolds N --sweep_count N --metric_opt [ accuracy | f1 | precision | recall | roc_auc ] --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR


Cross-validation is carried out within the main pipeline:

python -i [INFILE_PATH ... ] --format "csv" -t TOKENISER_PATH --freq_method [ cvec | tfidf ] --model [ rf | xg ] --kfolds N --sweep_count N --metric_opt [ accuracy | f1 | precision | recall | roc_auc ] --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR


The original documentation to specify training arguments is available here.


Deep learning#

Sweep parameters and search space should be passed in as a json file.

python ../src/ -h
usage: [-h] [--tokeniser_path TOKENISER_PATH] [-t TEST] [-v VALID] [-m MODEL_PATH] [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
                        [-d DEVICE] [-s VOCAB_SIZE] [-f HYPERPARAMETER_FILE] [-l LABEL_NAMES [LABEL_NAMES ...]]
                        [-k KFOLDS] [-e ENTITY_NAME] [-g GROUP_NAME] [-p PROJECT_NAME] [-c CONFIG_FROM_RUN]
                        [-o METRIC_OPT] [--overwrite_output_dir] [--no_shuffle] [--wandb_off]
                        train format

Take HuggingFace dataset and perform cross validation.

positional arguments:
  train                 path to [ csv | csv.gz | json | parquet ] file
  format                specify input file type [ csv | json | parquet ]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tokeniser_path TOKENISER_PATH
                        path to tokeniser.json file to load data from
  -t TEST, --test TEST  path to [ csv | csv.gz | json | parquet ] file
  -v VALID, --valid VALID
                        path to [ csv | csv.gz | json | parquet ] file
  -m MODEL_PATH, --model_path MODEL_PATH
                        path to pretrained model dir. this should contain files such as [ pytorch_model.bin,
                        config.yaml, tokeniser.json, etc ]
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        specify path for output (DEFAULT: ./cval_out)
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        choose device [ cpu | cuda:0 ] (DEFAULT: detect)
  -s VOCAB_SIZE, --vocab_size VOCAB_SIZE
                        vocabulary size for model configuration
                        provide torch.bin or json file of hyperparameters. NOTE: if given, this overrides all
                        HfTrainingArguments! This is overridden by --config_from_run!
                        provide column with label names (DEFAULT: "").
  -k KFOLDS, --kfolds KFOLDS
                        run n number of kfolds (DEFAULT: 8)
  -e ENTITY_NAME, --entity_name ENTITY_NAME
                        provide wandb team name (if available).
  -g GROUP_NAME, --group_name GROUP_NAME
                        provide wandb group name (if desired).
  -p PROJECT_NAME, --project_name PROJECT_NAME
                        provide wandb project name (if available).
  -c CONFIG_FROM_RUN, --config_from_run CONFIG_FROM_RUN
                        load arguments from existing wandb run. NOTE: if given, this overrides --hyperparameter_file!
  METRIC_OPT, --metric_opt METRIC_OPT
                        score to maximise [ eval/accuracy | eval/validation | eval/loss | eval/precision |
                        eval/recall ] (DEFAULT: eval/f1)
                        override output directory (DEFAULT: OFF)
  --no_shuffle          turn off random shuffling (DEFAULT: SHUFFLE)
  --wandb_off           run hyperparameter tuning using the wandb api and log training in real time online (DEFAULT:


If using the --config_from_run option, note that this inherits the original output directory paths. Make sure you specify a new --output_dir and enable the --overwrite_output_dir flag. This also inherits the device specifications (gpu or cpu).